How to Use a Stovetop Kettle

How to Use a Stovetop Kettle?

Kitchen appliances are necessary because they are used for various tasks in the kitchen, including cooking, heating food, and serving food. They’re utilized to make ready-to-eat food. They’re also used to prepare a fresh cup of tea by boiling water. The pressure cooker, electric kettle, toaster, fridge, toaster oven, and microwave are just a few examples of kitchen appliances.

In any kitchen, a kettle is an essential piece of equipment. They’ve been around for a long time and are often a particular favorite when it comes to giving the kitchen an antique vibe. Because they are more likely to be practical, they are more significant in the kitchen than commercial kitchen products such as the microwave.

A stovetop kettle is a water heating tool for the kitchen. It’s a multipurpose device that may be used in the kitchen for a range of tasks, including cooking, heating water for cooking, boiling water, and warming a water bottle. It’s used to prepare a wide range of dishes and beverages.

A stovetop kettle is a terrific addition to your kitchen equipment collection, but it’s vital to remember that it’s not a replacement for a stove. Cooking using a stovetop kettle, like a sauté pan, takes a lot of effort and time. It aids in the rapid and effective heating of food, and after you’re through, the stovetop kettle may be left to cool before being used again.

A stovetop kettle is used to heat food or prepare it for the oven during cooking. It’s a metal pot with a small cylindrical hollow that holds water and a heater within. It boils as the water heats up, transferring the heat energy to the food. The kettle can be used to both boil water and warm water in the pot.

The most common materials for stovetops are Pyrex, cast iron, cast iron coated with porcelain, and stainless steel. A stovetop kettle’s fire-resistant properties make it the preferred cooking vessel for heating water, and it’s usually only used to make tea. In the hard, unyielding sections, a stovetop kettle is filled with wort or another liquid, usually heating water to create tea.

When people mention the most important kitchen tools and utensils, they barely mention the stovetop kettle; yet, it’s a must-have in every kitchen because it does many things people forget to give it credit for. According to Alternative Brewing, the kettle, regardless of its type (stovetop or electric), is arguably the most common kitchen tool because of its popularity in most homes across the globe, especially in the United States, but people don’t know how important the small equipment is.

According to a study on Statista, about 6.3 million electric kettles were sold over several retail channels in the United States in 2019, and this only shows how important kettles are, not just in the United States but the rest of the world. If these huge numbers could be recorded when most foreign outlets claimed that Americans don’t love electric kettles, just imagine what the numbers would be now that people in the country are growing familiar with electric kettles after knowing how good of addition they could be to their kitchens.

What’s the Difference Between Stovetop and Electric Kettles?

Many years back, electric kettles didn’t even stand a chance of competing with stovetop kettles in the United States because Americans preferred stovetop kettles and everything they had to offer compared to what they believed they could get out of electric kettles. As a result, the stovetop vs. electric kettle debate was never truly a debate because there was only one clear winner: the stovetop kettle. However, the narrative has changed over the past few years as Americans have begun liking electric kettles and everything they have to offer.

Whether or not you need a kettle of any type in your kitchen has become invalid as it has become overwhelmingly clear that every kitchen needs a kettle to keep operations as efficient as possible. Think of needing to boil water and having to use a pot – it just doesn’t sound right, and that’s why it’s a necessary luxury (if you would call having a kettle one) to have a kettle in your kitchen.

Electric kettles are growing more popular now, so the debate of whether it’s better than the stovetop kettle will seldom go away as long as both types of kettle remain relevant in the kitchen. At the end of the day, it comes down to preference and needs, both of which usually play the biggest role in deciding which of the kettle types to opt for when it’s time to buy. However, the big question remains: what’s the difference between a stovetop and an electric kettle?

Electric kettles have not always been as popular as stovetop kettles in the United States because Americans prefer these traditional kettles for reasons best known to them. However, electric kettles have been growing consistently in the past decade, as evident in the chart above, created using the information provided by the Statista Research Department, and it shows the retail unit of electric kettles in the United States from 2010 to 2019. In the first year of this chart, 2010, only 2.2 million electric kettles were sold, further highlighting how people in the country preferred stovetop kettles to their electric counterparts.

The figure increased a little the following year when 2.3 million electric kettles were sold in the country. Over the next few years, great improvements would be recorded as 2.4 million, 2.5 million, 3.1 million, 3.2 million, 3.5 million, 4.8 million, and 5.2 million electric kettles were sold in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, and 2018 respectively. The figures surprisingly hit 6.3 million in 2019, finally making people outside the country believe that Americans were beginning to embrace the importance of electric kettle, which could be the only logical explanation you could give to the meteoric rise of electric kettles in the United States in less than ten years.

At first glance, you would think both electric and stovetop have a lot more in common than differences, which may be true to some point because they’re both meant to produce hot water, after all. However, a closer look will give you a good view of the differences between the two kettle types, especially how they heat water. The stovetop kettle requires an external heat source to function properly. As a matter of fact, there’s no way you can get your stovetop kettle to function at all without an external heat source.

On the other hand, electric kettles require no external heat because they are built with main connections from within them to help bring water to a boil. All you have to do is connect an electric kettle to a power outlet via a power cord that usually comes with it, depending on the condition of the kettle when you’re buying it (you may not get a power cord if you’re buying a used electric kettle). Another huge difference between these two kettles is that stovetop kettles can produce a rolling boil because they can heat water above the actual boiling point.

With an electric kettle, you’re more in control of the temperature settings because this kettle type comes with many different options, such as heat settings which give you more precision with your hot water. If you invest in an electric kettle, you’ll also enjoy a special feature, the water gauge that lets you know how much water you still have in the kettle. The most amazing thing about the electric kettle is how fast it can boil water – it can do it in a minute!

Benefits of Stovetop Kettles

If you have no preference, it’s hard to be stuck between choosing a stovetop kettle and an electric kettle because they both have what makes them different from the other – things that make them very appealing. Some people have a clear idea of why they’re boiling water, so they won’t even think twice before knowing their choice – it’s always been clear. However, if you’re one of those who don’t know what they want and would rather assess the pros and cons of each kettle type before making the big decision, we hope you’ll find our breakdown of the pros and cons of stovetop kettles very helpful.

They Produce A Rolling Boil

The rolling boil is a way of boiling that is very dependent on the person, the pot size, and the type of food. The way the pot is held and the amount of water added determines the boiling technique. If you want to heat a kettle and also keep it at temperature, the stovetop kettle is your best option, and this method comes in handy when you’re trying to serve up coffee all day long.

Stovetop Kettles Are Very Easy To Clean

Stovetop kettles are constructed from many pieces of metal that are welded together to form a seal. They can be simple or complex, requiring numerous pieces of copper to be welded together. Opening them up and getting everything out is the best method to clean them. Cleaning the stovetop kettles and making sure they are very clean is always vital. Cleaning the stovetop kettles with a wet washcloth is simple, but keeping the kettles in a clean atmosphere is crucial.

You Can Take Them Camping

With an electric kettle, you have to worry about finding a power source for it to be powered so it can function as you want, but the same can’t be said of the stovetop kettle, which doesn’t need electricity to function. You can just put your stovetop kettle on the campfire and have your hot water ready in minutes, even if there’s no source of electricity in your camping spot and its area. There’s this joy in knowing that your stovetop kettle can be used anytime if an external heating source is available.

They Have No Heating Element

The heating element that usually makes the electric kettle heat things up is understandably not present in the stovetop kettle, which only needs an external heating source to heat up. This is a good thing because the heating element in the electric kettle can be harmful to your health if not maintained properly, which is a good reason to even avoid the electric kettle in the first place.

Downsides of Stovetop Kettles

They’re Slower in Heating Things Up Than Electric Kettle

Stovetop kettles depend on the intensity of the external source they’re getting heat from, so if the source is not providing enough heat, there’s no way the kettle is getting your water boiled as soon as you want it. This downside is because you can’t experience the same with an electric kettle. As a result, if you start heating water with electric and stovetop kettles, the former will bring the water to boil quicker than the latter, and that’s just how they’re built, which makes some folks prefer electric kettles to their stovetop counterparts.

They Don’t Have the Same Flexibility as Electric Kettles

If you’re looking for flexibility in your kettle, you may not have any other choice than to opt for an electric kettle because its level of flexibility is way better than a stovetop kettle’s. If you’re a barista, you may have to think twice before choosing a stovetop kettle to help you get through making coffee for your customers. Stovetop kettles are not just good for specialist coffee because there are no temperature settings.

Benefits of Electric Kettles

If you’re a big fan of pour-over coffee, we see no reason why you would not choose an electric kettle over a stovetop kettle. It has many advantages over the stovetop kettle, making it a great choice for many, not just people who love pour-over coffee. If you’re considering getting an electric kettle, you might want to get familiar with some of its pros and cons to know if you’re making the best decision.

Temperature Control Settings

One of the things people love most about using an electric kettle is that it gives them total control over the temperature settings of the kettle, allowing them to heat water to the exact temperature they want. You can make anything you want other than just boiling water with these temperature control settings with the kettle. Doing a host of tasks with your electric kettle is one of the best things you can get out of the kettle that is now gaining more popularity in the United States.

It Is More Energy-efficient

If you think using a stovetop kettle is more energy-efficient because it doesn’t use electricity, think of the gas you’re consuming just to boil water or the additional power it would take to boil water over an electric cooking range. With an electric kettle, you can get things done under two minutes, and that means two minutes of little energy consumption, which is a great way to save some money in the long run as far as energy efficiency is concerned. If you’re big on energy efficiency, we think opting for an electric kettle might be the best idea.

Adds More Chic To Your Kitchen Than a Stovetop Kettle

It’s not unusual to have a stovetop kettle lying around your kitchen, but won’t it look odd amongst other kitchen appliances and tools that are modern? In these modern times, it doesn’t always look ideal when you have some traditional tools lying around modern appliances that can be controlled by simple buttons. Having an electric kettle will complement the other appliances in your kitchen, especially when it’s made of the same material as the other appliances and tools.

They’re Perfect For Hotel Travels

Just like stovetop kettles are more ideal for camping in areas where you don’t need electricity to survive, kettles are also perfect for hotel travels if you want to control your well-being wherever you go. Not just hotels now, electric kettles can be used anywhere with electricity and the ideal power outlet you can plug the kettle’s power cord into.

Downsides of Stovetop Kettles

They Can Be Hard To Clean

With the heating element inside the electric kettle, you may find it a little difficult to clean because you don’t want to fully submerge it in water, damaging some of its electrical circuits as a result. This is not a big problem, but it’s big enough for some folks to change their minds about getting an electric kettle because they want something they can efficiently clean without being scared of damaging it. Alternative Brewing has a detailed guide on cleaning an electric kettle; you can check it out for more information.

The Older Ones Had Issues with BPA Plastics

While this may not be much of an issue anymore because the electric kettles in production now are BPA-free, you still need to be careful you’re not getting one of those older versions with BPA plastics, which can be very harmful to your health. Many modern electric kettles are not harmful to your health in any way, but to be on the safer side, you should invest in stainless steel kettles because they do not have BPA-related issues, and they’re loved by many because of how they’re built. With your health always the priority, get enough information on the electric kettle you’re buying before opting for it.

Things You Can Do With Your Stovetop Kettle

Many folks believe the only important appliances in the kitchen today are refrigerators, ovens, ranges, dishwashers, and microwaves. These appliances are undoubtedly important, but the kitchen itself can’t survive without other small appliances like toasters, electric mixers, blenders, and milk frothers. One small appliance that brings versatility to the kitchen is the kettle, and it barely gets mentioned, which shows how underrated it is amongst other kitchen appliances.

Almost everybody is familiar with using a kettle, but there are more things you can do with your stovetop kettle than just boiling water, which people mostly do with their stovetop kettles. Using a tea kettle is not rocket science; it’s one of the easiest things you can do in your kitchen without any prior knowledge. We’re not surprised that some of the most popular kettle-related topics on the internet today are Tea Kettle Uses, How to Boil Water in a Kettle, How to Heat Water For Tea, Boiling Tea Kettle, etc.

If you have a stovetop kettle, we guess the only thing you’re doing with it is to boil water, but your kettle can serve you in several other ways than being an appliance that can only boil water. Below are some of the things you can do with your stovetop kettle other than just boiling water.

Cook Rice

Many people don’t know this, but one of the things you can do with your stovetop kettle is to cook rice with it. It sounds absurd because why would anyone want to even cook rice in a kettle? It is very unlikely that you’ll ever need to cook rice in your stovetop kettle, but you can’t rule it out regardless.

Who knows, you may be out of your usual cookware someday, and the only option you’ll be left with is your kettle; and when this happens, there’s no need to panic because your kettle can conveniently and efficiently cook you some rice. The downside of cooking rice with your kettle is that you may have difficulty cleaning it afterward because kettles are not built like the regular cookware, especially if there’s an exposed coil at the bottom (for electric kettles).

If you’re making rice with your kettle, soak the rice grains in water for 20 minutes before putting them in the kettle with fresh water. If you want some vegetables or spices in the rice, you can add them, but ensure you don’t add bulky items like meats to avoid overfilling the kettle. Put the kettle on the stovetop and let it boil the content in it for about 20 minutes (your timing will mostly depend on the quantity of rice you’re cooking).

Since you’re using a stovetop kettle, you have to be very careful because it doesn’t have the auto-stop feature or other functions you’ll find in an electric kettle. You’ll have to closely monitor what the kettle is cooking, so you don’t destroy it in the process.

Boil Eggs with your Kettle

Most folks are used to this and must have practiced a few times because it’s a very common practice. One of the most common things you can do with your stovetop kettle is use it to boil eggs, which electric kettles can also do, but not without some safety concerns, like not letting the eggs touch the heating element (the coil beneath every electric kettle). If you’re going to boil eggs with electric kettles, ensure that there’s a way to prevent the eggs from touching the exposed coil at the bottom of the kettle or that your kettle doesn’t even have it at all.

To boil eggs with your stovetop kettle, wash them properly and ensure they’re very clean before placing them in your kettle and filling the kettle with enough water, depending on the number of eggs you’re trying to boil. Timing is very important when you’re boiling eggs, and since stovetop kettles don’t come with the automatic shut-off feature, you’ll need a timer to ensure that you’re right on top of the situation. According to a post on Danby’s official website, it takes about 12 minutes to hard-boil eggs while it takes not more than 4 minutes to soft-boil them.

Make Hot Beverages

If you put 100 kettle owners in a survey and ask them what they do most with their kettles, about 60 of them would tell you making hot beverages is what they mostly do with their kettles, and that’s because it’s the norm – making hot beverages with kettles, whether stovetop or electric. Tea and coffee only need the right temperature to be prepared properly, so you have to ensure you get things right in terms of temperature when you’re preparing hot beverages. Once you get the appropriate temperature, pour the hot water from the kettle into a mug with your coffee or tea bag inside, and that’s all you need.

This is a great way to also make hot chocolate if you want. Another thing you can make with your stovetop kettle is the popular apple cider. Instead of water, fill the kettle up with enough apple cider and boil till you have the consistency you desire.

Heat Some Milk

Heating milk in your stovetop kettle is almost the same as boiling water, only that you’ll have to pay more attention to milk than water because they’re two different elements. Pour the milk into your kettle, but ensure that the kettle has no water inside because water can alter the result you hope to get at the end of the procedure. It’s always advisable not to let your milk come to a boil, unlike water, so you have to be there to watch it before it gets to that point. Heated milk can be used to make different things like some extra creamy hot chocolate and coffee.

How to Clean Your Stovetop Kettle with Stove Grease

If you’ve been in and out of the kitchen for a while, you’ll know how difficult it might be to get stove grease off your cookware; it’s just something almost everybody dreads because the cleaning process can be daunting. If you’re trying to know how to use a teapot on the stove, you had better get familiar with how to clean grease stains off your stovetop kettle because it’s going to happen a lot, except you have a very good storage plan for the stovetop kettle. We’ll be exploring different ways to get stove grease off your stovetop kettle below.

Natural Ingredients

Vinegar and Lemon Juice

Vinegar and lemon juice are two of the most popular natural cleaners you can easily find in your house, and they’re perfect for kettles made with copper because they can’t be cleaned with commercial cleaners. Mix some little salt with lemon juice and vinegar to get some paste-like result, which you’ll gently apply to the kettle, but before then, heat up some water in the kettle before pouring it out. This is to create some heat around the kettle while you put some of the paste on a paper towel and use it to rub down the kettle. Rinse the kettle thoroughly, and if you can’t get the grease stains off the first time, repeat the process as many times as possible.

Mineral Oil

Mineral oil is another thing you can use to combat tough grease stains on your stovetop kettle and other things in your kitchen. You can purchase it at the closest grocery store to you or online if you want it delivered right to your doorstep. Once you have the mineral oil, all you have to do is put a few drops on a paper towel piece and use it to wipe down the affected part of your kettle until the grease stains go off. Ensure there are no residues of the mineral oil left on the kettle, so rinse properly, after which you’ll use another piece of paper towel to dry your stovetop kettle.

Soy Sauce

This is the most surprising element on this list as people don’t even think soy sauce can be effective when it comes to removing stains, but that’s one of the things you can do with it, cleaning, and it’s very effective. Get a clean towel or a piece of paper towel, apply some soy sauce on it and rub it down your kettle. You’ll have to apply some pressure to ensure that you get the result you want at the end of the procedure. Keep doing this until the grease stains go off completely, and ensure you rinse your kettle thoroughly when you’re done.

Chemical Cleaners

Bleach on Porcelain Kettles

Bleach has raised a few eyebrows when it comes to the harm it does to household things, but not when used carefully. People don’t often make an effort to research whether or not it’s safe to use bleach with whatever they’re using it on, and that’s when things mostly go wrong. Bleach is perfect to be used on enamel and porcelain kettles with tough stains. Firstly, avoid using abrasive cleaners because surfaces like porcelain and enamel scratch easily, so the perfect choice would be a soft rag. Also, ensure that you wear protective gloves when you’re handling bleach and follow due instructions on how to dilute the bleach before you attempt to use it.

Ammonia is Perfect for Stainless Steel Kettles

Stainless steel kettles are the most popular on the market because they can resist rust and corrosion. They’re also very easy to clean as they’re susceptible to stains despite being called “stainless.” However, if you ever get tough grease stains on your stainless steel kettle, ammonia is one of the best ways to get those stains off your kettle. Get a steel wood pad and add a few drops of ammonia to the pad before using it to scrub the surface of the stainless steel kettle. Once the stains have finished, rinse the kettle properly to get rid of any residue that may be left on the surface of the kettle.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you use a tea kettle on an electric stove?

Yes, you certainly can! The tea kettle is a piece of multipurpose kitchen equipment with a long history of use in various settings. The tea kettle, like many other kitchen equipment, was a simple tool with a wide range of tasks. It is critical to comprehend the many functions of the kettle to determine when to utilize it.

  • Do all tea kettles whistle?

Yes, it’s safe to say that all tea kettles whistle. In the kitchen, the whistle of a tea kettle is an important sound. The whistle on a kettle is significant because it represents the kettle’s safety. It’s also used to signal that the kettle is on the boil.

  • Why does a kettle whistle?

A kettle may whistle for two reasons. One indicates that the water in it is boiling, and the other is to call your attention when the kettle needs water. Someone might mistakenly turn your electric kettle on without water in it, and that’s the other time you hear the whistle sound.


A stovetop kettle is essential to have at home since it is the most effective method to get the most out of your burner. If you’ve been struggling with getting the best out of your stovetop kettle, we’ve explored some of the things you can do with it other than boiling water. You can use your stovetop kettle to heat milk, prepare water meals, boil rice, etc. We’ve also discussed some of the best ways to get tough grease stains off your stovetop kettle.





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