Good Fruits and Vegetables to Juice – Plus Recipes

Good Fruits and Vegetables to Juice – Plus Recipes

Juicing has become a top trend and today you can get freshly squeezed juice anywhere you go. It is convenient to be able to make juice at home for the whole family, it is healthy, tasty and so much more economical than store bought juice. The whole process of ‘how to make juice’ is really easy and doesn’t require a lot of time or effort but getting the combinations of fruit and vegetables right to taste can sometimes be a little trickier. 

If you have checked out the best fruit and vegetable juicers and you have finally made that purchase then get started today and change the way you eat and drink. You will really start to see the benefits of juicing quicker than you think and there are so many variations you can try, you will never get bored! Our team of health experts have found some juicing recipes which will head all your health woes to one side.

Juice For Healthy Skin

When vegetable and fruit juices are prepared in the right combination, the benefits they can do to your body, and your immune system particularly, cannot be overemphasized. From balancing alkalinity to working wonders on your skin, there are lots of benefits to be derived from taking both fruit and vegetable juices.

The best skin booster is cucumber. With over 90% of water in one single cucumber they hydrate like nothing else. They are high in minerals which can improve complexion and help give you a youthful radiance for your skin.

Juice For Healthy Skin

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Below are the best fruits and vegetables juicers that you can purchase and use at home:



Breville JE98XL Juice Fountain Plus 850-Watt Juice Extractor

Omega J8006HDS Quiet-dual Stage Slow Speed Masticating Juicer

Brentwood JC-500 Stainless Steel Power Juice Extractor

Sumaki Slow Masticating Cold Press Juicer with Quiet motor

VonShef Countertop Blender and Mixer with 6-cup Jar








Extra-wide 3-inch feeder chute can create 8oz. cup of juice in just 5 seconds.

Dual-stage juicing; low speed of 80 RPMs means no foaming, clogging, or heat build-up

2-speed Control
Safety Lock Feature

Reverse function, Easy to clean with brush, and High juice yield

Blender, juicer, smoothie maker and grinder in one – the ultimate multifunctional kitchen assistant!



13 pounds

1.55 pounds

9.31 pounds

8.33 pounds

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To juice your way to perfect skin all you need is one or two whole cucumbers, including the skins and a piece of apple so you can sweeten the juice with natural sugar. If you want a use for the leftover pulp, blend it into your next green smoothie for the extra benefits or mix it up into a paste and use it as a face mask for an extra glow to your skin.

Juice to Fight Aging

A lot of things can age you more such as stress, lack of sleep, harsh weather conditions, worry, lack of exercise and bad diet. You can help slow this process down antioxidant packed fruits and veggies that can be juiced. Not only is this juice recipe great to slow down the aging process but will give you that boost of energy that you need. One of the ingredients used in the following recipe is Kale and is known to have a number of health benefits, it is low in calorie, high in fiber and has zero fat, is high in iron and Vitamin K which is a must have ingredient for pregnant women, it is packed full of powerful antioxidants and is high in Vitamin A.

Juice to Fight Aging


  • 1 1/2 cups liquid of your choice (water, any kind of milk, or aloe vera juice)
  • 1 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 cup strawberries
  • 1 large leaf kale (thick stem removed)
  • 1/2 medium beet

Juice it all together and the pulp can be watered down and used as a mask for tired and straw like hair. If you juice the berries separate then you can use the pulp to make a tasty homemade jam as well.

Juice to Get You in The Mood

There are a lot of foods that can help you and your partner ‘get in the mood’ but champagne and strawberries taste better when not juiced. Did you know that there are fruits and vegetables that can boost your libido and are at the same time delicious?

If you’re familiar with Celery, you’ll realize it contains lots of nutrients but one of the many elements you can find in it is one that increases pheromones in men and increases sexual drive. Avocados on the other hand contain vitamin B which boosts the hormone production in male. Try this tasty juice to get things going!

Juice to Get You in The Mood


  • 2 cups coconut water or aloe vera juice
  • 2 stalks celery
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1 small piece ginger
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 handful basil
  • 3 figs

Juice For Sweet Cravings

If you have a bit of a sweet tooth but want to try and cut out those sugar boosts you crave then try a juice that will starve away your sweet cravings. Sugar cravings are down to the fact that the blood sugar isn’t stable and sometimes we need something sweet but there are ways to level out your blood sugar without chocolate cake and medicine prescribed from the doctor. When you take celery juice, the sweetness in the juice balances as it provides alkalizing minerals, as well as electrolytes. Additionally, it helps reduce your cravings for both sugar and cinnamon, both of which have high blood-regulating sugar.


  • 2 apples
  • 8 stalks celery
  • 1 dash cinnamon

Juice it all together and add some frozen berries to give it a unique taste. You can also add a slice of pineapple which will make the juice extra sweet if this recipe is too sour to taste.

2 apples 8 stalks celery 1 dash cinnamon blending and making juice

Juice to Boost Your Immune System

When the seasons change people get sick and when you go to work or pop to the shop people cough and sneeze and spread their germs. Not a nice thought but you are most likely going to get sick too. If you want to boost your immune system then make a habit of drinking a glass of this recipe every day. Containing a high level of Vitamin C, Broccoli is always able to increase white blood cells that help fight off common infections. Garlic too is an important immune-boosting element which contains sulfur compounds with high antimicrobial properties.


  • 1 small beet
  • 3 carrots
  • 8 stalks celery
  • 1 stalk broccoli
  • 2 cloves garlic

You can always make a batch of this in advance and keep it in the fridge. This is also a lovely drink with a dark red hue which makes it look like berry juice and is a drink you should get your kids and little ones drinking. We all know that little fingers touch everything and children aren’t as wary as us adults are about getting sick. You can always add a cube of sugar to make it sweet enough so that they will drink it!

Juice to Boost Your Immune System

Juice to Help Digestion

If you have problems with digestion and you get bloated, have regular heartburn then the acid in your stomach is all messed up. Before you turn to doctors and medicine try changing the way you eat and drink and include a glass of this juice with every meal.

If you have consistent stomach upset, one of the best solutions you can go after is papaya, best known for its digestive prowess. The fruit is high in papain, which is an enzyme that helps digest proteins to a great point. Ginger as well can help relax the intestinal tract. People often also use it to battle nausea, while cabbage is tasked with cleaning up both the upper bowels and the stomach entirely.


  • 1/2 small papaya
  • 3 leaves kale
  • 1/8 head cabbage
  • 1 thumb-sized piece ginger
  • 1 wedge lemon

Juice everything but add the lemon to the juice without juicing it. It will slowly release its goodness into the freshly made juice.

Juice to Help Digestion (gralic. papaya, lemon)

Juice to Fight Off Colds

When you get a cold it causes headaches, muscle pain, tiredness and a whole bunch of other systems which you don’t need when you have to face the day ahead of you. When you start to feel a cold or a temperature coming on try to drink as much of this juice as possible which will keep those nasty symptoms at bay.

People use ginger as a natural treatment for cold and flu, and apart from this, ginger also helps to properly stimulate the digestive system.

Moving to cayenne pepper now. This contains a considerable amount of beta carotene, an element that prevents the body from cell damage and infections.

Juice to Fight Off Colds (Chile, garlic, lemon)


  • 1 ounce organic ginger
  • 1 squeeze lemon
  • 1 pinch cayenne pepper


Can I juice vegetables and fruits together?

There’s no harm in juicing fruits and veggies together. However, be prepared to experience the most common ill effect as a result of this combination is ‘gas’. This happens because vegetables do not digest as fast as fruits and they both use different digestive enzymes. For all it’s worth, apples and carrots can be singled out as exceptions as they can easily blend with both fruits and vegetables without ill reaction.

What is the healthiest juice to drink in the morning?

Ever heard of miracle juice? That’s the celery juice. It works wonders when taken early in the morning. Other juices you can try in the morning include beet juice, watermelon juicer, green juice and many more.

Start juicing things up!

Now that we’ve broken how helpful both fruit and vegetable juices can be helpful to your health (both on the inside and outside), we hope that you create time to try out these wonderful recipes, and we’re sure it’s going to be worth your time and efforts.

Every recipe featured on this list will be very helpful to your health. However, try to read up on more recipe books to have more knowledge on other healthy recipes. You know your body better than we do, so before trying out any recipe, make sure it is one your body can easily take in without reacting.

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