- If you’ve ever thought installing a through-the-wall air conditioner in a room without a window is an impossible task; we hope you’ll be convinced with this article. We’ll be discussing how to install a through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve which is a metal device that will make your air conditioner stand firm in the wall.
- In this article, we’ll also be looking at different advantages of through-the-wall air conditioners and how they’re the best options in some situations.
Through the wall air conditioners have come a long way. The fact that they’ve been able to survive so many years and still be relevant today (although not as much as they used to be back then due to the production of modern air conditioners) speaks so much about their qualities. They’re so important because they are turned to in the most difficult of situations. However, installing them might not have been so easy if sleeve systems hadn’t existed. With the help of through-the-wall unit sleeves, it is very easy to put these units on the wall without much stress. However, a lot of people do not know how to install a through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve, which is something we’ll be discussing later in this article.
Table of Contents
TogglePeople who are looking to get an affordable unit with no high operating costs often opt for through-the-wall air conditioners. However, most people always fear the installation process might be a complicated one, so they tend to shy away from purchasing them in the first place. It’s easy to think the installation process is complicated, especially when you put into consideration that it’s a permanent installation; not something you can re-install in different spots season after season.
If you take your time to read through this article properly, then you’ll realize how easy and simple it is to set up your through-the-wall air conditioner sleeve. Another thing that contributes to the simplicity of the installation process is having the right tools. It’s one thing to know how to go about it; it’s another thing to have the right tools to execute the process successfully. Oftentimes, some of these installation processes need some professional touches but installing through the wall air conditioner sleeve is so easy that you can do it on your own.
Before we get right into the guide on how to install a through-the-wall air conditioner, we’ll be discussing briefly the pros and cons of a through-the-wall air conditioning unit.
Both the initial cost of purchasing a through-the-wall air conditioner and the costs of operation are very affordable. Unlike other unit types that require you to chunk out a great amount of money, this unit type is considerably inexpensive. Like the other air conditioner types, through the wall air conditioning also comes in different sizes and with different features. This means that prices will vary but you can still be confident that you will get the perfect unit for the perfect price.
Some people may argue that through the wall air conditioners are old and can’t compete with the new generation of air conditioning units that are being produced these days. But the question is, why do they still exist? They exist because they are still very essential, and the fact that some of them are now being built with different modes and amazing features makes them even more needed around. One of the important modes you can also find in this unit type is the heat mode. During the winter season, keeping your home warm remains a top priority and one of the best ways you can do that is with the heat mode that comes with your cooling unit.
Another fantastic benefit of through-the-wall air conditioning units is that when installed properly, they tightly fit into the wall with the help of a wall sleeve which is the most popular method of installing this unit type. The good thing about a well-installed unit is that unwanted drafts won’t have the chance to creep into the unit when it isn’t in operation.
If you own a through-the-wall air conditioner, you may have to clean it more often than you normally should. Technically, that’s not a bad thing; every machine needs proper maintenance to last long after all. If your wall unit is properly maintained, you can relax, knowing that the unit will serve you for a good number of years. The only problem you might have with it is having to change the air filter and hoses more frequently. These things don’t cost much but people have pointed out the stress they go through to replace these important parts of the unit just to make it function more efficiently. If you won’t mind the stress, then this unit type is just as good as perfect.
As shown in this chart, the air conditioners shipments from 2011 have been increasing with each year that comes around, except for 2019. Although not revealed in this chart, according to Statista, the highest number of air conditioners sold in the U.S. remains 6.47 million in 2005.
It is only natural to put some factors into consideration before deciding to purchase a particular electrical item or any other product at all. The same principle is applied when you’re buying a through-the-wall air conditioner and below are the necessary things you should look into when buying your through-the-wall air conditioning unit;
This is a very important factor and it should be taken very seriously when choosing the right through-the-wall air conditioning unit for your home. To determine the right cooling capacity for your room, you need to have a proper look at the size of the room you’re installing the unit. The size of the room should determine the cooling capacity of the unit you’re looking to get. Getting a low unit with little cooling capacity for a large room will render the unit ineffective and you’ll realize it doesn’t cool the room as much as you would have loved. A through-the-wall unit with about 5000 BTU cooling capacity is ideal for a room of about 140 sq. ft. Always ensure that you do not ignore this factor as it is a very important one.
We earlier pointed out that this unit type might as well be the cheapest air conditioning unit type money can get you. However, no matter how affordable we think it might be, your budget should still be highly considered. There are different models and that makes the prices vary too. It’s safe to know that if you’re looking to get the modern versions of this unit type, you’ll be spending more money compared to when you’re getting one of the old models.
Another thing you need to consider is if the unit you’re looking to get has all the features you want in a through-the-wall air conditioner. The newer versions of through-the-wall air conditioners tend to come with more high-end features than the older ones, and by nature, you’re most likely to opt for the one with more high-end features. We talked about the heat mode earlier. This is a feature that you’ll seldom find on older models but very often on the newer models. You need to carefully point these things out and if you’re okay with the features on the model you’re trying to purchase, then you can proceed to get it. Otherwise, you might have to keep looking till you find the one that has at least 80% of your desired features.
Installing through the wall air conditioner sleeve is not as difficult as people might have made it look. Matter of fact, if you follow the right steps and you have the right tools at your disposal, you’re most likely to get it right even on your first try. Let’s take a quick look at the necessary tools you need to have at your disposal to have a nice installation of the AC unit sleeve.
NOTE: To install a sleeve for your through-the-wall air conditioning unit, you must have dedicated a part of the wall in the room you’re looking to install this unit. This part of the wall must be broken (this is mostly done by an expert) based on the size of your air conditioner.
- Gloves
- Sealings (this is to seal gaps that could cause major damage to your unit after installation)
- Level
- Screwdriver
- Sleeve
Now that you know the necessary tools you need to begin the installation process, let’s take a look at the step-by-step guide on how to install through the wall air conditioner sleeve in the easiest way possible.
The best way to begin any installation process is to prepare your tools. This way, if any important tool is missing out, you’ll know and you’ll quickly replace it before the installation begins fully. Also, checking the manufacturer’s manual will help you know what you might be missing as long as the right tools are concerned. Just ensure you do proper checking before you start anything.
The sleeve comes with different panels and to get the best installation result, you’ll have to put all these panels together. You’ll start from the down part of the sleeve by putting it right on the floor. This way, you’re creating a very comfortable platform for the rest of the panels to sit on. Once you’re done with the bottom panel, gently connect each side of the panel to the one that’s already on the floor using screws. You’ll realize this will give you a U-shape. The next thing to do is to add the top panel so you can have all the panels put together. Do not forget to put the plastic claps into the square holes that are located near the exterior side of the whole panel.
The rear grill is always packed in the same box as the air conditioning unit and it can either be expanded or louvered. You’ll have to screw it to the back area of the panel.
Just like the panels, there are usually four sleeve brackets and all four of them will be needed when installing the sleeve. Two of the four sleeve brackets will be screwed to the top of the sleeve while the remaining two brackets will be installed on each side of the sleeve; leaving you with a strong sleeve to insert into the wall.
The wall you’ve dedicated for the installation must have been well drilled as we explained earlier because this is a major factor. This is one of the last steps to take when installing through the wall air conditioner sleeve and the process is pretty much easy. Just slot the whole sleeve into the wall opening and check to both sides to see if the sleeve has perfectly fitted into the wall opening.
There’s no successful installation if after everything you still have some spaces that could bring about loss of air or water. To avoid this, you’ll need a recommended caulking product to seal off those little spaces. If you leave the spaces unsealed, you risk getting your unit badly damaged. This is as important as every step you might have been taking to ensure a successful installation process. You need to see it through.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Can a window air conditioner be installed in a wall sleeve?
There’s a reason why different air conditioner types are built to be installed in their unique ways. If an air conditioning unit is designed to be installed in a window opening, then it cannot be installed as a direct substitute for a through-the-wall unit.
2. Are through-the-wall air conditioners expensive?
Through the wall air conditioners are not expensive, and most of them can be bought for relatively cheap prices. However, most people have pointed out that the cost of installation is what makes the unit look expensive. But generally, through the wall air conditioners are very efficient and are likely to save you a lot on your electricity bills.
3. What’s the difference between a window and through the wall air conditioner?
While a window air conditioner is designed to be installed around a window frame, through the wall air conditioner is designed for a room without a window and that means it needs to be within the wall.
Installing through the wall air conditioner sleeve is not all that hard, and we hope that having properly gone through this article, you’re already as convinced as we are. We’ve tried to highlight the pros and cons of a through-the-wall air conditioner as well as the necessary installation steps you need to take when installing the sleeve. The whole process is quite easy and will even be easier if you have the right tools at your disposal.
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