The Best Ways To Make Orange Juice in a Breville Juicer

The Best Ways To Make Orange Juice in a Breville Juicer

Health Benefits of Orange juice


Depending on the kind of juice you intend you make, Orange juice could be extracted by squeezing the oranges and straining the juice. However, if what you prefer is a pulpy beverage, you should squeeze the Oranges but never strain them. In moderation, the highly pulpy Orange juice version is considered more healthy than the former. Regardless, both have a wide range of health benefits which include; the ability to boost immunity, reduce signs of aging, lower cancer risk, boost cellular repair and metabolism, detoxify the body, improve circulation and blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and lower cholesterol levels.


According to the USDA National Nutrient Database, ”Orange Juice nutrition comprises of vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, vitamin A, thiamin, folate, potassium, fiber, proteins, copper, magnesium and host other”. On the other hand, in terms of calories, there are 47 calories, give or take, in a 100ml of Orange juice.

Orange Juice Boosts Immunity 


Orange juice is a full reserve of Vitamin C which boosts immunity. Do not take my words; the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, with the help of 2003 research, has published a paper that revealed that Oranges and their juice, whether pulpy or not, are significantly rich in Vitamin C. This assertion is further buttressed by the fact that Orange juice has more than 200% of the Vitamin C requirement of the body. This rich Vitamin content makes Orange juice a potent and robust ‘tool’ for fighting diseases. Also, Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant, and its use may help fight against cancer cells and infection. It also prevents the degeneration of tissues, blood vessels, skin, and other organs.

Orange Juice is good for detoxification


Orange juice contains various antioxidants that help protect the body against several oxidative damage and other diseases. According to another research published in MDPI in 2016, Orange juice contains nutrients that protect against cardiovascular diseases by increasing the body’s total plasma antioxidant capacity.

It Improves health Skin 


Orange juice contains several vitamins and minerals essential for healthy skin. Vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, and copper are all present in this fruit to help promote a beautiful complexion.

It May Reduce Inflammation


An Orange is a Citrus fruit, and Citrus fruits are considered to be wealthy in anti-inflammatory agents. High sugar and fat-filled meals can cause inflammation anytime to your body parts. And this development is bad because it can lead to increased insulin resistance. This is one of the major underlying causes of type 2 diabetes and atherosclerosis.

Orange Juice helps you lose weight


Your weight may become a problem for you if you have a lot of calories unburnt. Generally, all Citrus fruits are very potent weight loss agents. Lime and Oranges will help you shed that extra weight easily. Citrus fruits, including Oranges, are so effective at ridding you of extra weight because they are incredibly rich in fiber, and fiber helps you lose weight. More importantly, most Citrus fruits contain an active ingredient called citrate lyase that can help your body burn fat faster and more efficiently.

Orange Juice May Lower Blood Pressure


Orange fruits, being the antioxidants, can significantly lower your risk of hypertension. Because they are potent antioxidants, they protect the body against diseases and cancer and impact the activity and functioning of blood vessels, which can significantly impact blood pressure as a whole. Hence, it established that consuming Orange juice will result in an overall reduction of blood pressure and a decreased chance of any cardiovascular disease. 

Orange Juice may prevent Anaemia


Orange juice is a rich source of folate, which is why it is a possible cure for anemia. Folate belongs to the category of the B complex. it is technically called Vitamin B9. Vitamin B9 is very effective for the creation of DNA and the production of new cells. These new cells are also very important during pregnancy and breastfeeding, majorly for cell duplication.


Furthermore, folate plays a significant role in the growth of red blood cells that supply oxygen throughout the body. The production of sufficient red blood cells can help prevent anemia. This means that the organ systems are well-oxygenated and are working at full capacity. Further, this supports the body’s overall metabolism and the functioning of all the systems, making them more efficient. And this is why, in my opinion, an Orange is one of the best fruits for making juice.

How to make an Orange Juice in a Juice


An electric juicer makes the juicing process pretty easy. Rather than squeezing out the juice from an Orange with your hands, you can easily do this in a juicer. Apart from the preparatory steps to take, getting your fruits ready and eventually getting your juicer cleaned up when you are done. There is not so much to do manually when you juice Oranges. Most Breville Juicers have the same setting options. Hence, the juicing technique applicable to one may also be used for several others. Still, if you are looking for tailor-made juicing techniques, you may need to consult your specific Breville user juicing procedures specific to particular juicers.

Clean up your Oranges 


We are looking to get a wholly pleasant result here. Hence, it is important to pay attention to every step involved in making Orange juice, no matter how unimportant or trivial it seems. Washing your Oranges helps get the dirt off.

Take the Peels Off


Taking your Orange peels off is mostly optional. You may choose to juice your Oranges right with the peel, provided you like the result it produces. A centrifugal Breville Juicer extracts juice from almost any fruits you throw into it, including its peels. You may put it in whole, half, or quarters, trust me, the blades of your electric juicer will slice right through, and your lemon juice will be squeezed out at the end of the process. However, you may need to refrain from throwing it all in with the peels, except if you do not mind having a slightly bitter juice. Therefore, you should peel those lemons before juicing them, to keep that oily and bitter taste out of your lemon juice.

Assemble Your Breville Juicer


The first step to getting your juicer up and running is to put it together. Assembling your juicer suggests that it was initially disassembled- It is usually left in this state after use. To effectively clean it up after use and get every pulp from its crevices, you need to take it apart. On the hand, when it is time to get to work again, you need to put it together, and here is how-  The juice jug slots in under the pulp spout, so you have to tilt it to fit in snugly. Then clip on the silver locking handle — you can be quite forceful. It won’t snap off — use the top of the feeding tube for leverage. One good click, and you’re ready to juice.

Feed Your Oranges 


Feed your lemons to the tube of your juicer. whether your lemon is halved, quartered, or peeled, it is time to load it into the juicer to do its magic. You can do this one after the other or throw it in at once. However, try not to add excess, all at once. The large feeding spout means little chopping or prep work is required. Use the pusher to compress the fruit or veggies down into the centrifugal blades and endeavor to place a bowl or your cup right under the spout to collect your Orange juice.

Juice Your oranges


After pushing those Oranges down to the reach of the juicer blades, locate the power button of your Breville Juicer and turn it on. The Breville Juicer automatically separates the pulp into the adjacent grey bin and the juice into the jug. Make sure to use the correct speed depending on soft or hard fruit or veg (faster for hard fruit and slower for softer fruit).


When you’re done, switch off the machine and unclip the metal locking handle to release the various compartments for washing. Your juice can now be poured into a glass if you have collected it in a bowl. The handy foam separating the wall and lip will keep back all the froth in the glass while the clear, smooth juice cascades over your ice.

Clean it up


After you finish, do not just leave the juicer at that spot. Clean it up. Some juicers can be washed in a dishwasher. Check your manual to be sure yours belongs to that category. It is important to do this almost immediately because if you wait, the remnants of the fruit and juice will dry onto the juicer parts, making cleanup more difficult. More importantly, it is right if you want to protect its stainless steel body from rust.

Storing Your Orange juice 


By now, you must have finished with your juicing. Well done!. But it does not end there. If you do not want to consume all your juice at once, preservation is key. Raw Orange juice can last as long as 3 weeks or even longer if properly preserved. To properly store your juice, the first thing to do is store it in an air-tight container. You can not afford to store up in an aerated container because the more the juice is left to absorb air, the weaker and more susceptible it gets to damage. After storing it up in an air-tight container, place it in a refrigerator for at least three days. It is highly advisable to leave the juice unopened for this period but if you need to expose it, do so within a short time. Note that you can choose even longer days for your refrigeration. Only ensure that it is within the time that this juice is safe to consume because when it remains for too long, its flavor will deteriorate


You can keep lemon juice in the freezer for three to four months without ill effects on the flavor. Freeze the juice in covered containers or sealable plastic bags. For handy, small portions, freeze the juice in ice cube trays, then transfer the frozen cubes to a sealable plastic bag.

Some Top Breville Juicers

The Breville JE98XL Juicer


We can not do without mentioning this Breville beauty when we speak of excellent juicers. You can easily tell from customer and manufacturer reviews that this juicer is an excellent performer and a top juicer in the market today. If you have always juiced your Oranges by hand but are looking to try an automatic juicer, this fountain Breville juicer is the perfect way to jump right into the world of juicing. This juicer is the centrifugal kind, and it features a 3-inch extra-wide fruit chute, dual speeds, lightning-quick operation, and simple clean-up.


You can trust this juicer to uniquely extract your juice using its titanium-reinforced disc and Italian-made micro mesh filter basket. These micro meshes are robust because they are made of steel- now you see how it will squeeze that juice out effortlessly. These mechanisms, all together, work for optimum juice and nutrient extraction.


It is equipped with a froth separator. This feature is needed when dealing with certain fruits and even vegetables that create froth when juiced; The juice jug features an integrated froth separator to pour more juice and less froth into the glass. It also has a short time prep. Its unique 3-inch extra wide chute feed allows you to juice whole fruits and vegetables without pre-cutting. Finally, this juicer has two different speed controls- A low-speed control for softer fruits like tangerines, Oranges, and Vegetables. A faster, on the other hand, for denser fruits and harder vegetables.

Breville BJE530BSS Juice Fountain Cold Plus Centrifugal Juicer


Breville is a popular brand in the U.S. Despite that; it is not one of the appliances made in the United States. The Breville BJE530BSS Juicer has a beautiful look- It is made with a brushed stainless steel finish. It does not weigh too much. It is at least 1 Pound in weight. The Breville Juice Fountain Cold Plus is a simple, no-nonsense juicer with an innovative and unique space-saving design offering a super-sized 70fl oz of juice goodness; This juicer features dual speeds, lightning-quick operation, and a whole fruit chute. It also has cold spin technology. Like the previously discussed Breville juicer, It has an  Italian-made precision mesh filter that’ll help you avoid damage to vitamins and minerals from heat and processing.


One of its best features is its space-saving design; With the pulp bin behind the product base, the Juice Fountain Cold Plus features a new and unique space-saving design for better use of your countertop space. It is also equipped with a short-time prep system with a unique 3.5-inch extra wide chute feed that allows you to juice whole fruits and vegetables without pre-cutting.



How Often Should I Clean My Juicer?


Whether or not you use a Breville juicer, you need to clean it after every use. This is necessary because pulps from you your Oranges can quickly stick to your juicer, and when this happens, it hardens, making it a lot more difficult to clean. Cleaning immediately after every use will also prevent the decay of fruit particles in the juicer. Though even with daily cleaning, give the juicer a deeper cleaning weekly. Also, if you must keep your room smelling good, then you should clean your juicer. If your Breville juicer is made of stainless steel, you can also clean its stainless steel body using baking soda.


Will the size and weight of the juicer give you trouble in the kitchen?


Some of these gadgets come with different compartments, which can be a little hectic, especially if you use them for the first time. With some juicers being bigger than others and more complicated to use, you should find a juicer that is smaller in size and easy to use. After all, all you need is the juicer to extract juice from different fruit and vegetable supplies.





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